Winlaw Creek Woodlot

Site Plans for Beetle Salvage CP B Block 1 W1832

This Site Plan describes the silvicultural approach, and rationale for that approach, in our 46 ha pine beetle salvage block that will be logged in 2005.

The gist of the site plan is that the lodgepole pine trees in this area are now dead - killed by our mountian pine beetle infestation. We plan to log the dead pine and the very few living pine in the area, but leave all of the "non-pine" trees behind. In some areas, the "non-pine" is a substantial part of the forest, and a signifinant forest canopy will be left after logging. In about 40% of the block, the forest is almost pure pine, and there will be almost no standing trees left behind.

Site Plan for CP B Block 1 (9 page document. 0.1 mb PDF File)

Site Plan Map (0.7 mb GIF File)
Location of CP B
