What is W1832 - the Winlaw Creek Woodlot?
W1832 is a Woodlot Licence over crown forest land issued and administered per Division 8 of the Forest Act of B.C. and per the Woodlot Licence Forest Management Regulation.
The Woodlot Licence is held by a partnership formed between:
- Bernie Clover
- Tom Bradley
- Breakaway Enterprises Ltd.
Tom Bradley and Bernie Clover have lived in Winlaw for over 2 decades, and have been involved in implementing alternatives to conventional forestry for most of that time.
Breakaway Enterprises Ltd. is a B.C. Limited Company which owns 21 hectares of private land which forms a part of W1832. This property is located on lower Perry's Ridge. George Perrier is a shareholder of Breakaway Enterprises and takes an active role in management of the woodlot.
The Woodlot Licence gives the Licencees the right to cut timber on a geographically defined area of crown land, and the responsibility to manage human interactions with the forest ecosystems in that area so as to ensure that ecosystem health is protected, and that diverse forest products and amenities, including water, timber, wildlife, ecosystems, and botanical products, are protected.